Rita Aleluia, internationally recognized with the 2019 NLP Award, in Education

About Rita

Rita is a journalist for CNN Portugal and TVI. She is an NLP master trainer, author, consultant and international speaker. Graduated in Communication Sciences, Rita is the creator of Generative Parenting. She currently collaborates with the NLP University California (UCSC). Rita communicates to connect because she believe that life is not about perfection, it’s about connection!

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Book "Mothers of the World"

“Mothers of the World “- Neuro-linguistic Programming at the service of education with ethics is my first book. I wrote it after travelling across four continents and meeting so many mothers, they too, like yourself, examples of excellence.

In it, I share some of their stories and secrets, as well as, part of my journey as a mother. To all this, I combine the most fascinating NLP practices, that allow you to be, to live and to have a smooth parenting, where everyone, parents and children, walk side by side, eye to eye, with no place for judgment or guilt. Where flexibility and connection prevails. No matter the challenge to face, the respect for the child as the person she is, will always be the first step for its resolution.
